Development slate

The Renters
60'' impact documentary
Why can't Australia provide stable housing for a third of its people? Hosted by satirist Mark Humphries, this is a solutions-led, satirical impact documentary heading for a streamer with Screen NSW and City of Sydney funding to kick off. Produced by Bill Code and Justine Moyle, executive produced by Craig Reucassel and Adam Farrington-Williams
Impactful, bold and witty, aimed at u35 audience. Follow us on Instagram
Learn more and donate tax-free at Documentary Australia.

Murrumbidgee: Big Water
Feature-length documentary
Water is life. Water is power. In Australia’s interior, one river tells a global story. A global-facing impact film encompassing agriculture and the environment hosted by Lee Constable.
Global-facing environmental impact film

The Water Bank
One outback town’s struggle to act on food security while ensuring water and access to farmable land for those who want it. In Mildura, newly-arrived refugees who want to farm are being helped to find vacant lots - while a new social enterprise makes sure they're not outbid for water on the private market.